Autoficción, lugares/places

El paraguas verde

Era 8 de julio, lo recuerdo bien; heredé una memoria prodigiosa que me ha salvado de más de una, jeje. Aunque amenazaban lluvias torrenciales debido al intenso calor, andaba como loca buscando trabajo, ya que con lo que ganaba con las clases me daba na mas que para pagar el abono transporte, por lo que… Sigue leyendo El paraguas verde


It’s nicer in summer

Sally's Journey

-It’s nicer in summer- he told us.

-I imagine that, but now… now is truly beautiful.- I replied.

One bus and two streetcars separated me from the Torontonian neighbourhood called The beaches.

From the first day we arrived in Toronto, I wanted to go to that place, so as soon as we had finished the important things we needed to do, I planned to go by my own a weekday morning.

The weather in that days was really cold for a Spaniard girl, around -15ºC but without the horrible horrible feeling of -25ºC wind chill we had recently suffered…and it was a bright sunny day…

No more to say!!! I covered myself layer by layer like an onion and started my journey to The Beaches.

Remember I was quite exited about knowing the place, I’ve always been attracted to water: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, it calms me a lot…


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#reflections, English, lugares/places

It’s nicer in summer

-It's nicer in summer- he told us. -I imagine that, but now... now is truly beautiful.- I replied. One bus and two streetcars separated me from the Torontonian neighbourhood called The beaches. From the first day we arrived in Toronto, I wanted to go to that place, so as soon as we had finished the… Sigue leyendo It’s nicer in summer


Y eran tres alpinas

             Tu acento:              Margarita, te voy a contar              un cuento:  Esto era un rey que tenía un palacio de diamantes, una tienda hecha de día y un rebaño de elefantes,  Bajo la ávida mirada de sus niñas, la mamá de Rubi recitaba con ternura y entusiasmo los poemas y cuentos aprendidos durante su infancia. Rubi pensaba en lo… Sigue leyendo Y eran tres alpinas

Daily thoughts, English, yoga

As the year comes to the end

Actually, I'm not a "Christmas person", but I can't deny that I love this time of the year, taking store of the good and the bad, without showing consideration. Yesterday, a friend of mine, lamented that she hasn't done anything significant in the whole year; I replied her: you have done this, and that, and… Sigue leyendo As the year comes to the end

books, music, art in general, libros, música, arte en general

Va de libros: especial novela corta

 Por fin me he decidido a hablaros de los libros que he leído en lo que va de año, creo que ha sido uno de los años que más libros he podido a leer, ya que lo he dedicado más a novelas cortitas y he hecho algo que hacía tiempo que no hacía y es… Sigue leyendo Va de libros: especial novela corta